Bacon & Stone Fruit Pavlova
Whether you’re hosting a festive barbecue or looking for a unique treat to share with loved ones, this Bacon & Stone Fruit Pavlova is bound to impress.

1 hr 30 mins + 3hrs cooling time

Capable Cooks

What you’ll need

- 500g SunPork Fresh Foods Bacon Rashers
- 2 oranges, zested
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 7 egg whites
- 1 ¾ cups caster sugar
- 2 ½ tsp. vanilla extract
- 3 peaches, cut into wedges
- 3 nectarines, cut into wedges
- 600ml cream
- 500g mascarpone
- ⅓ cup honey
- Fresh mint leaves, to garnish
How to make it
- Pre-heat fan forced oven to 180°C and line two baking sheets with baking paper.
- Line the bacon on the baking trays. Sprinkle the orange zest and brown sugar over the bacon and rub in making sure both sides are coated.
- Place in the oven and cook for 7-10 mins until the bacon in crispy. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before chopping into small pieces. Set aside.
- Turn the oven temperature down to 110°C. Draw a 20cm circle on 3 pieces of baking paper then place, marked side down onto 3 baking trays.
- Beat egg whites in an electric mixer on a med-high speed until soft peaks form. Add caster sugar a ¼ cup at a time, making sure the sugar is well incorporated after each addition. Beat until all the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is thick and glossy then beat in half the vanilla extract.
- Carefully add the meringue into a large piping bag with a wide-tip nozzle attached. Pipe the mixture in a spiral shape using the circle drawn on the baking paper as a guide.
- Place in the oven and bake for 1 hr or until it is firm to touch. Turn the oven off, leave the door ajar and allow to completely cool for 3 hrs.
- Meanwhile, heat a pan over a med-high heat. Cook half the stone fruit for 1-2 mins until each side is lightly charred. Set aside to cool.
- Beat cream, mascarpone, honey and remaining vanilla extract in an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
- To assemble, place one meringue on your serving plate. Spread ⅓ of the cream mixture evenly over the meringue. Sprinkle over a ⅓ of the orange bacon and a mixture of the fresh and grilled stone fruit. Repeat this process with the next layer. For the top layer carefully arrange the remaining fruit and bacon over the final layer of cream, then garnish with mint.
- Serve and enjoy!