
Animal Welfare

We are committed to the highest level of animal welfare and humane treatment of our pigs.

All our bacon pigs are housed in groups which gives each animal space and social involvement, allowing for interaction with others and freedom to move with high levels of access to food and clean water.

We utilise natural light and ventilation in our sheds and make sure our pigs are protected from the elements all year. Animal welfare and premium growing conditions are our highest priority.

Animal welfare and sustainable farming practices have always been our highest priority

As one of the first pig producers in the country to eliminate gestation stalls, we understand that ethically reared produce is critical to success.

All of our farms are certified by the Australian Pork Industry Quality Assurance Program (APIQ). This program provides the framework and standards by which Australian pig producers can demonstrate they are responsible farmers who care for their animals, the environment and their customers, by following safe and sustainable practices.
Animal Welfare at SunPork - Australian Pork Industry Quality Assurance Program (APIQ)
Animal Welfare at SunPork - Australian Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare System (AAWCS).

Our processing sites are certified under the Australian Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare System (AAWCS). 

The AAWCS is an independently audited program which certifies that we meet industry best practice animal welfare standards.

The committee behind AAWCS includes representatives from the government, the scientific community, animal welfare organisations, RSPCA and Animals Australia, a well as technical experts and industry representatives.
The committee regularly reviews standards to ensure that only producers who adhere to best practice in Australia are awarded this certification.

Antibiotic Use

We all have an obligation to ensure antibiotics are used only when necessary and sparingly.

This is to minimise the risk of bacterial resistance to key antibiotics used in human and animal health.

At SunPork, our focus on antibiotic use has resulted in a 54% reduction in use across our farms in the past 12 months. We have also managed to eliminate use of any medication deemed critical for human health.

Moving forward, our veterinary team and farms will continue to develop vaccine strategies in place of antibiotics, and will investigate alternative therapies that ensure antibiotics are only used for specific, defined treatment when absolutely necessary.